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Levant Cyprus Israel Sinai Jordan Hatay Lebanon Syria

Earthworm fauna of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt)

Three earthworm species were recorded fom the Sinai peninsula (Table 5). All three species are peregrine and belong to the family Lumbricidae. Peregrine means they are widely distributed with and without connection to human activities.

Looking for earthworms in the Sinai - ©Photo: Patricia Cardet Looking for earthworms in the Sinai - ©Photo: Patricia Cardet
Collection of earthworms in a plantation in the Sinai - ©Photo: Patricia Cardet Collection of earthworms in a garden in the Sinai - ©Photo: Patricia Cardet


Table 5. A summary table of the earthworm fauna of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt). (Abbreviations: A-species regarded as autochthonous ones, P-species regarded as peregrine ones).

Species Recorded in Expected origin
Family Lumbricidae
Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny, 1826) Michaelsen, 1892; Pavlíček et al., 1997 P
Aporrectodea rosea (Savigny, 1826), including the form trapezoides Pavlíček et al., 1997 P
Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826) Pavlíček et al., 1997 P
Total: 3 species   0 A + 3 P



Michaelsen, W., 1892. Terricolen der Berliner Zoologischen Sammlung, II. Arch. für Naturgeschiechte, Berlin 58: 209–261

Pavlíček, T., Csuzdi, Cs. and Nevo, E., 1997. The first recorded earthworms from the Negev and Sinai Deserts. Isr. J. Zool. 43: 1–3. Abstract


Levant Cyprus Israel Sinai Jordan Hatay Lebanon Syria




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