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Earthworm fauna of Israel

Thirty-four earthworm species, representing the families Lumbricidae, Acanthodrilidae, Criodrilidae and Ocnerodrilidae were reported from Israel so far. The earthworm fauna is composed of 22 (65%) autochthonous species and 12 (35%) peregrine ones (Table 4).

Table 4. Earthworms of Israel. (Abbreviations: A-species regarded as autochthonous ones, P-species regarded as peregrine ones).

Species Recorded in Expected origin
Family Lumbricidae
Allolobophora chlorotica (Savigny, 1826) Rosa, 1893; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 P
Allolobophora georgii Michaelsen, 1890 Rosa, 1893 P
Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny, 1826) Rosa, 1893; Zicsi, 1985; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 P
Aporrectodea jassyensis (Michaelsen, 1891) Rosa, 1893; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Aporrectodea rosea (Savigny, 1826) Rosa, 1893; Zicsi, 1985; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 P
Bimastos parvus (Eisen, 1874) Szederjesi et al., 2013 P
Dendrobaena byblica byblica (Rosa, 1893) Rosa, 1893; Zicsi, 1985; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena hauseri Zicsi, 1973 Zicsi, 1985; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena hortensis (Michaelsen, 1890) Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999 P
Dendrobaena kervillei (Michaelsen, 1910) Rosa, 1893; Michaelsen, 1910; Zicsi, 1985; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999, 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena negevis Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999 Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999, 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena nevoi Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999 Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena orientalis Cernosvitov, 1940 Cernosvitov, 1940; Zicsi, 1985; Pavlíček et. al., 1996; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena rothschildae Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999 Csuzdi et al., 1999 A
Dendrobaena samarigera (Rosa, 1893) Rosa, 1893; Stephenson, 1922; Pavlíček et. al., 1996; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena semitica (Rosa, 1893) Michaelsen, 1910; Zicsi, 1985; Pavlíček et. al., 1996; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999, 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Dendrobaena succinta (Rosa, 1905) Szederjesi et al., 2019 A
Dendrobaena veneta veneta (Rosa, 1886) Rosa, 1893; Zicsi, 1985; Pavlíček et. al., 1996; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999, 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 P
Eiseniella neapolitana Örley, 1885 Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826) Rosa, 1893; Cernosvitov, 1938; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 P
Healyella jordanis (Csuzdi and Pavlíček 1999) Csuzdi and Pavlíček 1999, 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Healyella syriaca (Rosa, 1893) Zicsi, 1985; Pavlíček et al., 1996; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 1999, 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Helodrilus patriarchalis (Rosa, 1893) Pavlíček et al. 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Murchieona minuscula (Rosa, 1905) Csuzdi and Pavlíček 2002; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Octrodrilus complanatus (Antoine Dug`s, 1828) Rosa, 1893; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 A
Perelia aharonii (Stephenson, 1922) Stephenson, 1922; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 A
Perelia galileana Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Perelia shamsi Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005; Szederjesi et al., 2013 A
Family Acanthodrilidae
Dichogaster bolaui (Michaelsen, 1891) Csuzdi et al., 2008 P
Microscolex dubius (Fletcher, 1887) Pavlíček et al., 1996 P
Microscolex phosphoreus (Antoine Dugès, 1837) Cernosvitov, 1940 P
Family Criodrilidae
Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845 Cernosvitov, 1938; Csuzdi and Pavlíček, 2005 A
Family Ocnerodrilidae
Ocnerodrilus occidentalis Eisen, 1878 Cernosvitov, 1940 P
Total: 34 species   22 A + 12 P



Cernosvitov, L. 1938. Report of the Percy Sladen expedition to Lake Hulech, A contribution to the study of the fresh waters of Palestine. Oligochaeta. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2: 535-550.

Cernosvitov, L. 1940. On some Oligochaeta from Palestine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11: 438–447.

Csuzdi, Cs. and Pavlíček, T., 1999. Earthworms from Israel. I. Genera Dendrobaena Eisen, 1874 and Bimastos Moore, 1891 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Isr. J. Zool. 45: 467-486. Abstract

Csuzdi, Cs. and Pavlíček, T., 2005. Earthworms from Israel. II. Remarks on the genus Perelia Easton, 1983 with description of a new genus and two new species. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae 51: 75–96. Abstract

Csuzdi, Cs. and Pavlíček, T., 2002. Murchieona minuscula (Rosa, 1906), a new recorded earthworm from Israel, and distribution of genera Dendrobaena and Bimastos in Israel (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Zool. Middle East 25: 105–114. Abstract

Csuzdi, Cs., Pavlíček, T. and Nevo, E., 1999. A new earthworm species, Dendrobaena rothschildae sp. n. from Israel, and comments on the distribution of Dendrobaena species in the Levant (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Opusc. Zool. Budapest 31: 25–32. Abstract

Csuzdi, Cs., Pavlíček, T. & Nevo, E., 2008. Is Dichogaster bolaui (Michaelsen, 1891) the first domicole earthworm species? Eur. J. Soil Biol. 44: 198–201. Abstract

Pavlíček, T., Csuzdi, Cs., Smooha, G., Beiles, A. and Nevo, E., 1996. Biodiversity and microhabitat distribution of earthworms at" Evolution Canyon," a Mediterranean microsite, Mount Carmel, Israel. Isr. J. Zool. 42: 449–454. Abstract

Rosa, D., 1893. Viaggi del Dr. E. Festa in Palestina nel Libano e regioni vicine. II. Lumbricidi. Boll. del Mus. Reg. di Sci. Nat. Torino 8: 1–14.

Stephenson, J. 1922. VIII.— On some earthworms from India and Palestine belonging to the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 9: 129–136.

Szederjesi, T., Pavlíček, T. and Csuzdi, Cs., 2013. New data to the earthworm fauna of Israel (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Opusc. Zool. Budapest 44: 201–209. Abstract

Szederjesi, T., Pavlíček, T., Márton, O., Krízsik, V. & Csuzdi, C. 2019. Integrative taxonomic revision of Dendrobaena veneta (Rosa, 1886) sensu lato with description of a new species and resurrection of Dendrobaena succinta (Rosa, 1905) (Megadrili: Lumbricidae). J. Nat. Hist. 53: 301–314. Abstract

Zicsi, A. 1985. Regenwürmer (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) aus Israel und den benachbarten Ländern. Rev. Suisse Zool. 92: 323–331.


Levant Cyprus Israel Sinai Jordan Hatay Lebanon Syria




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